Award to Enhance Diversity in the Research Workforce
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Sponsored by the Society for Pediatric Research
The Society for Pediatric Research (SPR) and SSPR both aim to create a multi-disciplinary network of diverse researchers to improve child health.
This award was established by the SPR Council in 2017 and provides funds for registration to the Pediatric Academic Society Meeting for talented child health researchers who come from underrepresented backgrounds.
Any scientist/academician performing pediatric research whose background is Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.
Underrepresented background is as defined by NIH
The SSPR Leadership will nominate eligible candidates by sending a brief description of the awardee and her/his associated science.
All submitted are reviewed for eligibility.
Be sure to check background, ethnicity and demographic information in the abstract submission form.
SSPR panel of academic/ scientist judges
SSPR will submit the following information to the SPR for the award:
Awardee’s Name.
Awardee’s Email.
Name of the award the awardee was chosen for in your society.
Brief description of the awardee and his/her associated science.
Photo of the awardee.
Under-represented designation
A travel stipend will be awarded to the annual Society for Pediatric Research(SPR)/Pediatric Academic Society(PAS) Conference.
Awardees will be recognized during a special SPR event during their annual meeting.